through the

looking glass

Vivian Rowden

Hi, I'm Vivian, founder of Through The Looking Glass (TTLG).

TTLG is an independent Strategy and Research Agency based in Sydney, Australia. It was founded on my extensive experience in global Communication and Research Agencies in Australia, South Africa and the USA.

We help to create brands that simply and significantly make a difference.

Research Illustration

Qualitative Research

Our driving passion is to understand what makes people tick. To really understand what unites us, what sets us apart and how that impacts the communication we respond to.

We also know where and how to source insights, filter out what’s important, make sense of what we have learnt and help apply what’s essential.

Strategic Planning

Everything we do has an element of strategy. We can’t help ourselves.

We specialise in brand positioning, brand repositioning, brand architecture and brand creation. All things related to brands.

Planning tools are an important part of the process, but brand issues are bespoke, and therefore handled accordingly.

Planning Illustration

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